After you have purchased the license for Transit you are to learn how to use it quickly and efficiently, so that the process of translation could be more convenient.
How to complete the training? STAR SPb holds trainings and seminars on how to work in Transit. Our experienced specialists will share the knowledge and make the learning process interesting and exciting. To take part in the training, please, contact us and we will adjust the training program to your needs. Why to complete the training? Learning main skills and core knowledge about correct Transit operation will save your time on text processing. |
Where to complete the training? To complete the training, you can either come to STAR SPb office, or our specialist can hold the seminar at your place at your convenience.
What training options are available? STAR SPb offers three options of training program adjusted to individual customer needs. |
Fast-track course
The fast-track program includes basic information reduced to fit the time limits and still be useful for customers.
The fast-track program requires much more concentration and attention and might be difficult for comprehension.
Usually additional consulting is needed afterwards.
Basic course
Includes learning:
- core principles of Transit operation
- general features
- standard user settings
- interface and navigation
- projects receipt and delivery
- translation with dictionaries and reference appliance
Extended course
Includes learning:
- core principles of Transit operation
- extended features
- special user settings
- interface and navigation
- receiving, delivering and translation with dictionaries and reference appliance
- creating terminology databases and working with them
- a lot of practical drills and exercises