STAR SPb specializes in three main fields of translation

Automobile manufacturing and mechanical engineering
Documentation in automobile manufacturing is broader than just User Guides for drivers. It also includes diagnostic systems, electronic catalogues of spare parts, professional literature for brand-managers, service centre and sales department specialists, website content and advertising campaigns. Text formats are also diverse: from MS Word documents to HTML and specific internal corporate formats. Obviously different text types have relevant quality requirements, e.g. one will focus on factual accuracy and terminology thoroughness of translation, another one will benefit from literary style and attractive phrasing. Nevertheless, all translations for a single customer must have consistent terminology and stylistics that form the company’s corporate vision and image. Technical texts should also be edited and supplemented with new fragments and details very smoothly so that the new texts look natural.
It can be done thanks to text storage databases and quick and simple access to them. This is provided only by specialized software such as the original STAR Group development, CAT-tool Transit. Efficient software, multimillion text and dictionaries databases, managers’ professionalism and their skills to prevent and resolve complications arising during translation process, competence of translators and proofreaders and long-term experience in automobile manufacturing translations – all these factors allow STAR SPb to ensure high quality level of translations.
BMW, Daimler, Audi, Toyota, Honda, John Deere, MTU
Machine tool manufacturing and tool engineering
There are two tendencies in modern economy, one source policy and universal automatization of equipment. One source policy leads most companies to creating individualized smart solutions to satisfy each customer needs. Modularity and exceptional flexibility of equipment impose extra requirements on creating support documentation. It should be written in modules, or the minimum set of information blocks providing maximum variety in combinations. Module combinations are built up correctly only when robust rules common for all documents are applied, which are consistent terminology databases and thoroughly organized Translation Memory. Any terminology changes require additional checks of all texts in order to avoid inconsistency. How to do it manually? How to deal with the documentation of the previous model created several years ago? These issues can easily be managed with the software. САТ-tool Transit handles these tasks perfectly.
The other tendency in modern machine tool manufacturing is automatization. Today all machine tools are equipped with an appropriate management system. So in terms of translation they require not only documents translation and machine tool software localization but also relevant terminology and system communication to Installation guides, Setup guides and User guides. Our managers track consistency while Transit totally controls implementation of the changes throughout the entire text database.
Leica, Bosch, Siemens, ThyssenKrupp, Rockwell, Rieter
Instruments and metal finishing
Metal finishing is one of the fields of industry in Russia that was developing independently from the rest of the world during the times of “iron curtain”. As a result, properly written original texts, professional linguistic competence and experience of translators are not enough to translate documentation of modern metal finishing projects. Only translators and proofreaders with specialized knowledge in a particular technical field and skills in operating CAT-tool Transit are able to implement high quality translations of metal finishing documentation.
STAR SPb is proud of having leading tool producers as our customers and honored to be trusted to translate not only their technical guides but also their marketing and corporate materials.
Dremel, Walter, Komet, Hoffmann