1995 г
STAR Spb foundation. Number of employees – 3. Attempts to develop machine translation software. Intensive use of translation software based on Translation Memory technology developed by STAR Group – STAR TRANSIT.
1998 г
The first large-scale customer - BMW. DTP department established. Managing Renault projects. -
2000 г
Large technical development department established. The new STAR TRANSIT version developed. -
2002 г
Number of employees exceeds 250 staff members. Processing BSH, Bosch, Festool documentation. Internal CLM system developed.
2004 г
Company demerges into STAR SPb implementing technical translations and STAR Software developing translation software. STAR Software splits from STAR Group and changes its name. Star SPb continues as a translation company.
2005 г
10th anniversary of STAR Spb. Managing new SEW projects. -
2009 г
Translations for medical equipment appear alongside with automobile manufacturing and machine tool manufacturing.
2010 г
Company demerges into STAR SPb implementing technical translations and STAR Software developing translation software. STAR Software splits from STAR Group and changes its name. Star SPb continues as a translation company.
2015 г
20th anniversary of STAR SPb. Going forward to new achievements!